Radu Mocanu
Numbering 300000 soldiers in 1989, the Romanian army was being used by the communist state for free agricultural labor, gathering maize, beetroots and potatoes. Students and teachers were also used for this type of work, but on separate fields. The army’s standards were changing and it was slowly becoming a tool of the community; it served the Party and collaborated with workers, peasants and intellectuals for the development of the country. After the Romanian Revolution, heavy restructuring as well as the fact that many people have been let go imply that, in 2014, the Romanian army boasts a number of only 80000 soldiers, 2000 of whom were stationed in Afghanistan.
The contemporary political scene strongly depends on petroleum geopolitics, a subject frequently found on the agenda of several governments; it is something that takes many shapes while being dominated by its military component. In the 12 years (2002-2014) since Romanian troops have been stationed in Afghanistan, 23 Romanian soldiers lost their lives there. The ”Golden Black” exhibition is dedicated to them.
Exhibition organized by Ephemair Association in the framework of “25 Years After” project is part of “Bucharest Art WeekEnd” (18-19.10.2014), financed by Bucharest Municipality Center for Cultural Projects – ARCUB, through its “Bucharest 555” cultural program. Partners: Magheru One, R77, National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC, Crama Liliac, Fundația OBOS, Consulting Business Alliance.
curator: Ioana Ciocan, arhitect: Attila Kim